55 chevy drag cars for sale
55 chevy drag cars for sale

55 chevy drag cars for sale

55 chevy drag cars for sale

New racing belts are the only hint of anything from this century.

55 chevy drag cars for sale

I believe a 210 wears more trim than this one from the factory, but smooth sides make a better canvas on which to paint your car’s name and sponsor lettering.

#55 chevy drag cars for sale manual

Driving this bad Gasser is like a walking statement of fact: “I may not win, buy you’ll know you were in a fight.” A four-speed manual gearbox transfers power to the fat rear tires. Nothing says “I’m gonna wind up and bust your jaw” like an engine sticking up through the hood. The 327 cid (5.3L) Chevrolet V8 wears a high-rise dual-quad intake with twin chrome horns on top. The seller promises documentation necessary to run in vintage events. The listing here on eBay awaits a $25,000 opening bid. This 1955 Chevrolet 210 post ran in the ’60s as the “Shopping Cart,” and retains its paint from those days including the hand-lettered sponsor tags. At the other end of the spectrum from the “sleeper,” a stealthy car that looks slow but will kick your fanny, you find the “Gasser!” From the unmuffled exhaust dumping out the front wheel openings to the race lettering, there’s nothing remotely sleepy about this hot-looking Chevy! According to Rod Authority a Gasser runs on gasoline, not more complex racing fuels, and many use a lightweight beam axle up front for weight reduction and weight transfer.

55 chevy drag cars for sale